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3D Google Maps : Sorry Flat Earthers!

Image Result showing a logo for google maps

The Tech Giant have quietly rolled out a change to arguably the best map service. They have shifted from the popular but inaccurate Mercator Projection of the world to a 3D Spherical Globe. 

The change isn't that obvious but if you zoom out enough to view the continents, you can see that it has changed to a globe. Why have they done this? 

There are many reasons why they could have done this but it is most likely due to the inaccuracies of the Mercator projection. You see , the map greatly distorts the land masses so although Greenland looks as large as Africa , it's not in fact it is 14 times larger. You cannot represent spherical surfaces on a flat plane on a perfect scale (Hope you learnt something!).

Of course this has angered the Flat Earth Society ( A joke really), who are indoctrinated that the Earth is flat. 
 It is just a minor change but it is one step forward at a time!


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