Programming and Software Development is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world as technology is advancing through time. Many people want to learn how to program but don't know where to start and give up easily through frustration and not committing enough.
You will not always be spoon-fed what you need to do so you need to think critically when solving problems in programming. It could be that simple error or working out the logic of a complex task. Remember, you aren't alone. Always ask for help when you need it but always try to solve it yourself. You will learn a great deal more rather then copying someone else's solution.
When facing a large task, don't run into the task empty-minded. Break it down into more simple problems which you can solve and then construct it back together in to the final product. You will need to change your way of thinking. This approach to programming is called Abstraction where the large problem is broken down or "abstracted " to more bite-size pieces to solve. Solving it one at a time will decrease your work-load.
Furthermore, when you are programming and hit run to compile or interpret your code, do not be disheartened when you meet a error. This could be one of the best things to happen rather than the code silently failing. Look at your output and read the error. Remember, the error is only trying to help you solve the problem. It will most likely tell you where the error occurred and what happened wrong ! If you still cannot solve the error, think logically and go through each line and see what may have happened wrong. Always Google if you need help. Learning from your mistakes will help you not receive the same error and if you do, then you know what to do !
Thanks for reading, this should have motivated you to carry on in tough times when coding. Keep Calm and Code
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